The professional services are provided from a location in The Hague, Netherlands.

On the location, a conference room, WIFI can be arranged as needed (included in the price).


When you purchase professional services, you can specify further details (desired date, contents)

Consult, advice, tuning, development or training can be offered for following knowledge areas:

- Siebel CRM / Oracle performance tuning

- Energy protocols - IEC61850

- Telecom protocols - OSI, TMN, CMIP, FTAM

- Training for any of the above

- Development: C/JAVA/SQL/Scripting 

- Embedded development: VxWorks, Embedded Linux

Following hours can be reserved on a daily basis: 13:00 - 17:00.

An agreed upon session will then be planned on a location in The Hague, and can include a conference room and WIFI access for collaboration purposes.